Recruitment & Retention

Disability Skills Passport

National Disability Services (NDS) is the Australian peak body for non-government disability services, representing over 1,100 non-government Service Providers.

The Disability Skills Passport is being led by NDS and its technology partner, Pegasus, as a simple way for Support Workers to show proof of their training and qualifications.

That means Service Providers and Participants know they are hiring and being supported by qualified workers, which is critical in the disability support sector.

The Disability Skills Passport benefits the sector and the workforce by:

  1. reducing duplication of training
  2. speeding up deployment of Support Workers
  3. facilitating Support Workers’ mobility within the sector
  4. increasing the recognition of skills in the workforce
  5. improving workforce retention rates

What is the Disability Skills Passport?

The Disability Skills Passport is a digital record of the training, qualifications, and capabilities of disability Support Workers.

It is a self-service online system. It works like this:

  1. Service Providers or Support Workers register a disability Support Worker’s profile in an online portal.
  2. In the portal, the worker uploads records of their training and qualifications. That information is verified by Disability Skills Passport technology partner, Pegasus.
  3. Once a Support Worker’s information is verified, they will be issued with a special Passport (eCard or physical card) which links to their online profile.
  4. Via a dedicated mobile app, the worker can show a Service Provider or Participant what they are qualified and trained to do.
DATE: 2020 & 2021
Target Sector: Disability Support
Priority Population:

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