Target Sector


This information is provided to the Human Services Skills Organisation (HSSO) for inclusion on the Human Services Workforce Development Initiatives website. I understand the content will be verified by the HSSO and may not be published if it does not meet the guidelines for the site.

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Thank you for submitting your workforce development initiative. We will now assess your submission against our site guidelines prior to publishing. We will contact you if we have any questions or require additional information.

The HSSO has developed this Site to provide a single point of access to the wide range of Human Services workforce development initiatives. The number of activities aligned to workforce planning and development is sometimes overwhelming and can also result in unnecessary duplication of effort. We will continue to grow to this Site to support the Human Services sector to maximise potential opportunities, efficiencies and benefits that can be gained from seeing what is already available, and learning from the success of others. We conducted research throughout 2021 to start the collection and encourage anyone who has other initiatives to add to submit them for inclusion. Has your organisation developed, or participated in workforce development activities? Perhaps you are piloting new ways of attracting, recruiting and retaining your workforce? Do you have research you would like to share? It doesn't matter how big or small, we want to hear from you and encourage you to share your information through the Portal by using the add project button.